Neighborhood Directory
Our Neighborhood Directory allows you to connect to your neighbors as well as provides the FHNA with your most up-to-date contact information so we can keep you informed of all the wonderful things happening in our neighborhood! It’s fast and easy to create an account. Your information is only available to current neighbors, and you have the option of keeping your information private if you choose.
Please be sure your FHNA membership is current if you would like to access the full directory.
Click the button below to get started or to login!
- If you do not currently have an account, please follow the simple steps below to create an account: Click the link above to access the Online Neighborhood Directory (Membership Toolkit)
- Click on “CREATE ACCOUNT” on the login screen
- Choose your DIRECTORY PUBLISH PREFERENCES (this is where you can select to have your information private from other neighbors using the directory – this may be updated at anytime)
- Once complete, you may pay your membership dues under the “My Account” link located on the Online Directory Home Page.
The Neighborhood Directory can be accessed through the Membership Toolkit App. Download this app once your registration is complete and access the same information from your mobile device.
If you have any questions, please email and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.
We understand and share your concern about privacy. This information will only be used for keeping our neighborhood residents informed and the publication of the directory. Forest Hills Neighborhood Association will never share or distribute any information collected through this website.