Neighbor Judy Whalen, who has long documented Forest Hills history, undertook the mammoth and sometimes elusive project of documenting our neighborhood history.
She recruited present and past neighbors to research, document, write, read, scan and post hundreds of articles and historical facts.
There are too many people to list, but to all of you who have contributed your stories, photos and documents we thank you and hope you enjoy seeing your contributions published.
In honor of the 100th anniversary, Forest Hills received a Special Recognition Proclamation signed by the Mayor of Dallas, Eric Johnson.
On this History site you will find:
Provides a vertical display of key moments between 1924 to 2024.
Takes a look at our origins as a neighborhood, into artists, actors, musicians, innovators and colorful characters.
Delves into our history further to how our neighborhood has evolved. You will find many entertaining and enlightening articles from our pioneers to the person responsible for the median benches.
Profiles the first homes built in our neighborhood as well as unusual amenities and architectural and engineering feats.
The FHA and FHNA Newsletter goes back to 1988 thanks to board members having the foresight to store paper newsletters. You can find our most recent newsletters, which have stories including “Century-old Forest Hills Digging Into our Past”(Fall 2023) and “The Houses of Forest Hills a Century of Life.” (Winter 2024). Much of the content and stories here was compiled by volunteers and have been handed down through the years.
Please let us know if you have a different version, so we can further research. Give us your history. Contact Judy Whalen 214-535-2077
The Forest Hills History Project Team
Judy Whalen – Project manager/liaison with historical organizations
Cozy Palmer – Researcher/Dallas Public Library and Ancestry expert
Evan Bolger – Newspapers archive specialist/ finder of unique photos
Heather Allen – History buff/interviewer
Sharon Hill – Webmaster/researcher/fact checker/continuity