Reporting Crime

Reporting A Crime

Effective July 3, 2023, the Dallas Police Department (DPD) began requiring online reporting of certain non-emergency offenses through the Dallas Police Online Reporting System. While the information below provides guidance on reporting crime, When in doubt, call 9-1-1.  See a suspicious person, auto or incident? Call 9-1-1.  If you can obtain detailed descriptions and license numbers safely, please provide this info as well.


      • CALL 9-1-1 with any “Crime in Action” or Priority 1 or 2 situation (stabbing, shooting, major disturbance.  “Crime in Action” defined: you are a victim or witness to a crime happening at that moment.
      • For crimes that have occurred but you’re unsure when it happened or did not see it happen, please report the crime online at

Helpful Tips about reporting online:

        • The online tool helps you identify the “incidence type.”
        • Upon selecting the “incidence type,” there will be a series of yes/no questions that help further determine if 9-1-1 should instead be called or to continue with making the online crime report.  This is a very helpful feature!
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As of February 2024, FHSP has ENP (Extended Neighborhood Patrol) 65 hours per week, with coverage Monday thru Sunday.

If there is a crime in progress and 9-1-1 has been called, an FHSP ENP officer will respond to the call IF ON PATROL AT THAT TIMEIf ENP officers are NOT ON PATROL AT THAT TIME, Dallas Police will respond to the call. If a crime report is filed, you will receive a “case number.”

If an online report is made, the Dallas Police Department has stated that the investigative process is the same as if an officer took the report at the incident scene.  The FHSP ENP Patrol are NOT assigned to these investigative processes; all investigations are handled by the Dallas Police Department.

Please note this may include receiving a call from an investigator and/or request to participate in a video chat utilizing Microsoft Teams (DPD can assist in understanding how to access this video chat platform) and inform you of the next steps.



Q1: “I’m not sure if I should use 9-1-1 or the online reporting tool. What do I do?”
A1:  When in doubt, call 9-1-1.

Q2: “I have a handicap, disability or lack internet/computer access. What do I do?”
A2:  Call 9-1-1. An operator will be able to further assist.

Q3: “I have been given a crime report “case number.” How is the case investigated/resolved?”
A3: The Dallas Police Department is required to follow up and provide information as to the status and/or resolution of the crime reported.

Should you have questions about this investigative process or are unable to get a satisfactory status update, you can request a call or visit from an FHSP ENP officer by e-mailing the following information to FHSPENP@AOL.COM:

      • The Case Number
      • Your Full Name
      • Your Address
      • Best phone number to reach you