Safety Tips

Forest Hills Security Safety Tips

Tips on Preventing Auto Burglary and Auto Theft

Auto theft and auto burglary are on the rise in Dallas. In addition to the basic auto theft/burglary safety tips there are products available to help slow down/prevent auto theft and auto burglary. More

Tips For When You Are Away

It’s vacation time and we all get so distracted when we prepare to leave.  Down to the hurried departure time, we find ourselves neglecting our home security. More

Package Theft Tips

Package Theft is frustrating and happens more than you might think. More

Holiday Shopping Tips

If possible, do your shopping during the day and avoid peak periods. Carry a small purse or fanny pack. This will make you a less attractive target to purse snatchers. 

Avoid doing all your shopping at once. The tendency would be to have a car full of gifts which increases your chances of your car being broken into. 

Don’t leave packages visible in your car. Place all valuables in the trunk of your vehicle. Don’t give thieves a reason to break into your car. 

Don’t hesitate to ask mall security to escort you to your car when you exit the mall or store.

Home Holiday Security

Holidays are a special time when families and friends come together to celebrate the season. It is also the time of year where families and friends are most generous and practice the tradition of gift-giving. It should be a joyous and happy time for all of us. More

Protect Your Bicycle from Theft

Along with beautiful Texas weather and increased outdoor recreation, there has been a recent uptick in the number of bicycles being stolen. More

Security Alarm Permit

Do not rely on the city to send out a notice of renewal of your Security Alarm Permit. The police will not respond to an alarm if you do not have a permit. More

Operation ID

Operation Identification (Operation ID) is a nationally recognized burglary prevention program in which citizens make an inventory of their property and permanently mark their valuables with an identification number, preferably a Texas Driver’s License or ID number.  More

Smoke Alarms

A good time to remember to check your smoke alarm and change the batteries is when you change your clocks twice a year as daylight savings time begins and ends. More